Having the green thumb is overrated!
Even if you are never there, you do not need to settle for artificial plants. The secret with house plants is to select the ones that require less maintenance and happily, the choice is quite impressive. Cactus or bamboos, here are five beautiful plants that are undemanding and will embellish any area of your home.
Euphorbia acrurensis
Family: Euphorbiaceae
Common name: Spurge acrurensis
Type: Perennials
Origin of the species: East and South Africa
Foliage: thick, thorny stems, shiny green
Height: 1.5 m depending on the variety
Width: 1m
Flowering: April to August
Soil: Cacti earth
Cuttings: yes
Toxicity: the euphorbia produces a white latex which appears during a break, it is a toxic liquid due to the substances it contains
Cactuses are the most accessible. There are numerous species and contrary to popular belief, not all of them are ideal for the inside of our homes. If you have an empty corner to fill, try a candle-type cactus: all you need to do is to place it in a luminous area away from a draft. Don't forget to water it once every fortnight.
Family: Asphodelaceae
Common name: Aloes
Type: Perennial
Origin of the species: mainly from Africa and Madagascar
Foliage: elongated, thick rosette foliage, varying from clear green to gray blue and often bordered by teeth
Height: 0.25 to 2.5 m depending on the species
Width: 0.3 to 3 m
Flowering: late winter or early spring
Flowers: flower spike which stands in the axils of the leaves and which bears flowers in clusters, orange, yellow or red, in the form of tubes or hanging bells
Soil: sandy
Aloes type plants are great and require very little care. You place them in a luminous area, far from direct sun rays and water them once the earth has dried up, approximately once a month. During winter you can water every two months and every fortnight during summer.
Not only is Aloes plant easy to care for, but you can use its gel to calm your skin or moisturize your hair.
Sansevieria trifasciata - Snake plant
Family: Agavaceae / Dracaenaceae
Type: perennial
Origin: tropical Africa, Madagascar, India
Color: yellow flowers
Sowing: no
Cuttings: yes
Flowering: summer, most often
Height: up to 1.5 m depending on the species
Soil: a mixture of loam, peat, potting soil and sand
This interior plant grows strong, long and very straight leaves. It creates a warm ambiance in a home and requires very little care and can go without water for a few weeks. Most plants breathe oxygen, but the bowstring hemp produces oxygen during the night and can improve the quality of the air.
Besides Sansevieria trifasciata, there are other species of sansevieria, some of which are frequently used in the compositions of succulents:
Sansevieria pinguicula;
Sansevieria francisii;
Sansevieria cylindrica ...
Ficus lyrata
Family: Moraceae
Common name: Ficus lyre
Type: Perennial
Origin of the species: West Africa
Foliage: large dark green leaves are violin-shaped
Height: 3 m indoors
Flowering: in its natural habitat, the ficus flowers and produces fruits. On the other hand, it is very rare to see it flower when it is cultivated inside the houses
Soil: soil suitable for tropical plants, which drains well
Toxicity: the sap of the plant can cause irritation because it is slightly toxic
This tall and luxuriant plant is well known for its adaptability. The perfect plant performs in any environment wherever you live. This fig tree needs light, but does not appreciate direct sun rays; preferable to keep it in a corner. You will need to water it only once the surface of the earth is dry; frequency of the watering depends on the surrounding climate.
The Lucky Bamboo - Dracaena Sanderiana
Family: Asparagaceae
Common name: Lucky bamboo, lucky bamboo, lucky bamboo
Type: Perennial
Origin of the species: Central Africa
Foliage: bright green, persistent narrow and pointed
Height: up to 1.5 m
Soil: lives in a vase containing water, change the water every 3 or 4 weeks. You can also plant it in a pot filled with potting soil, when it has developed a dense network of roots. You will then have to keep the soil very moist.
Well known as the Chinese lucky charm, this bamboo (not truly a bamboo) is the perfect plant for beginners. It does not need earth, simply slide it in a glass filled with water. It will blend with any decor. If you want it to grow place it in a luminous area.